Tuesday, June 30, 2020

just a little evil

Today we read from 2 Kings 17:1-18:12 in the One Year Bible. This guy Hoshea becomes king, and he does some evil stuff, but not much. He's not nearly as evil as the guys who came before him.

His halfhearted evil is pretty pathetic, right? Doesn't make for a very good story. It's like he chickened out from being as completely evil as he wanted to be.

We can learn from his cautionary tale. Just like we didn't want him to be mediocre evil, God doesn't want us to be mediocre good. In fact, He says something about spewing us out of His mouth if we're just lukewarm and not very good or very evil.

So let's strive to be the saints that He designed us to be.

God, thanks for calling us to be more than mediocre.