Sunday, June 7, 2020

good man, bad father

Today we read from 1 Kings 1:1-53 in the One Year Bible. David is getting really old, and his son Adonijah starts to make a play for the kingship. The Bible tells us that David never corrected him, even by asking, "Why are you doing that?"

As you are no doubt aware, being a parent is hard. You want to be friends with your children, but you also have to tell them no. You have to discipline them. At the same time, you want them to love you and to spend time with you. It's a tricky balance to walk the line between being a good parent and not pushing your kids away by bossing them.

Fortunately we've got help. God is the parent to all of us. And yes, He corrects us. But He also blesses us daily, and teaches us how to be good parents. Just ask His help, and He'll give you wisdom in how to walk that fine line.

God, thanks for teaching us how to be good parents... unlike David.

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