Monday, June 29, 2020

God has always been merciful

Today we read from 2 Kings 13:1-14:29 in the One Year Bible. We read about Israel and their king sinning again, and their sins pushing God away. But then they ask Him for help, and He helps them.

We tend to erroneously think that God somehow matured over time. That He was an angry, immature God back when He flooded the world, but then by the time Jesus came, He learned to be more gracious and forgiving. But this is to completely misunderstand God.

For one thing, He doesn't change. He's the same God today as He was 4000 years ago when Moses received the ten commandments (give or take a few hundred years). He was merciful when He created the universe. He was merciful when Jesus taught us to love our enemies. And He'll be merciful a million years from now.

But if you read the OT closely, you see evidence of His mercy and grace over and over. He is not a capricious God who strikes us down one day and is nice to us the next. He is always rich in mercy and love and kindness, and we only have to ask in order to receive it.

God, thanks for being never changing, and full of love and mercy which we so desperately need.


Julie said...


Unknown said...

I think people tend to prefer how God is portrayed in the New Testament rather than the New Testament. If we read the Old Testament closely, we can see that God has always been loving and merciful.
