Sunday, June 28, 2020

long live the king

Today we read from 2 Kings 10:32-12:21 in the One Year Bible. The people cheer "long live the king!" in today's passage. And when we hear that phrase, we Americans usually think of it sarcastically. Kind of like the way Scar says it in the picture above.

But we should remember the respect that Paul teaches us to have toward those in authority. But, you might object, Paul didn't have to put up with people like (insert name of politician that you hate). That's when it is good for us to realize that Paul was teaching this while the leaders in question were a million times worse than the ones we have today. And he wrote this exhortation from prison.

So let's keep our leaders in our prayers. Let's genuinely hope for their long and happy lives and that they lead us in a way that helps bring God's kingdom to earth. And let's do it with as little sarcasm as possible.

God, thanks for teaching us to respect our leaders.

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