Monday, March 30, 2020

what God has done

Today we read from Deuteronomy 11:1-12:32 in the One Year Bible. God is telling the Hebrews that the things He's teaching them now, He's teaching to people who have SEEN what He has done. He delivered them from Egypt. He protected them from Pharaoh's army, and drowned them in the sea. He lead them by fire and cloud day and night for forty years. He fed them with manna and quail. He performed miracle after miracle to teach them to trust Him.

What miracles have you seen in your life? What can you look back on and say, "Yes, that was God taking care of me. And now I'm going to trust Him to take care of me for life."?

God, thanks for teaching us through our own lives and through the lives of those who came before us.