Saturday, March 21, 2020

on the other hand

Today in the One Year Bible, we see a not-so-good example of women's rights being explained in Numbers 30:1-31:54.

A couple days ago, we read about God telling Moses to give these women some land because they were the last in their family. This was a good example of treating women with equality.

Today we don't read such a good example. Moses explains that if a woman takes an oath, it depends on her father or her husband as to whether it's binding. If they don't agree with the oath, then the woman is no longer bound to it. While this DOES work to the woman's benefit (she's no longer bound by her oath), it doesn't respect a woman's ability to take an oath. Men, on the other hand, CAN take an oath and his decision is respected by everyone.

So it's interesting to see how women's rights have changed over time. In the patriarchal Biblical times, women's decisions were seen as subservient to men. Today we see women more as equals and less as dependents or property. It's good to realize that God relates to us where we are, and helps us to grow to the point of greater understanding.

God, please teach us to think like You.