Friday, January 10, 2020

patience is crucial

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Genesis 20:1-22:24. We see more results of Sarah and Abraham's impatience.

You remember that Sarah sent Hagar to sleep with Abraham so they would have children. And this turned out badly, because Hagar despised Sarah once she got pregnant.

Well, once Sarah had a child, Hagar's son treated Sarah's son badly. And so Abraham sent Hagar and her son off into the wilderness (with some food and water, but not enough) to "wander aimlessly." How sad is that?

Eventually God intervenes, and gives Hagar and her son food and water, and finally her son becomes a great nation.

But how much better would life have been for Abraham, Sarah, their son, and Hagar if they had been patient? So much suffering could have been avoided.

And so it is in our lives. If we are patient, He brings us all good things. If we are impatient, not only might we get things too soon and mess them up, but we might destroy the good things He has for us by "jumping the gun."

God, thank You for teaching us to be patient.