Thursday, January 9, 2020

that moment when we stop liking Lot

 So today we read from Genesis 18:16-19:38 in the One Year Bible. We read a pretty cool story where Abram asks God not to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah if He finds just a few righteous people there. Of course, we know He doesn't find them, and He does destroy those cities.

But then we read about the evil men of Sodom coming to Lot's house and demanding that the two angels who came to warn Lot and his family be brought out so they can rape them. Lot refuses (to his credit), but then he offers to bring his two virgin daughters out so they can rape them instead! What the heck, Lot?? Fortunately the men of Sodom are too evil to take him up on the offer, and demand the angels instead. And then things work out.

But seriously. Lot isn't exactly our hero in the story, is he? First he selfishly takes the larger territory from Abram, then he offers his own daughters to be raped and probably killed. But God had mercy on him and his family, mostly because Abram asked Him to.

So the take home lesson (besides "don't be like Lot") is intercession. Abram interceded for Lot, and God spared him. He interceded for all of Sodom and Gomorrah, and if God had found just a few good men, He would have spared them, too.

Let's intercede for our world today. For the United States, where so many spiritual battles are being waged every day. For the middle east, where both spiritual and physical battles have raged for centuries. And for the world as a whole. Let's ask God to keep seeking those who are righteous... and helping them to be strong.

God, thanks for teaching us the value of intercession.

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