Saturday, December 21, 2019

the world hates the truth

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Revelation 11:1-19. John tells us about the two witnesses that tell the world how bad it is and how it needs to repent. The world kills them and rejoices when they're dead, even giving each other gifts in celebration. Of course, God prevails in the end (that's our take home lesson from Revelation) and the two witnesses are called home.

But it's important to realize that the world hated these two prophets SO MUCH simply because they told the truth. George Orwell was not a Christian, but he also knew how angry people got when you tell them the truth and they're not living it. He said the farther from the truth the world gets, the more it hates you when you speak it.

But let's keep speaking it, my friends. The world needs to hear it. It will be salt and light, helping purify and make the world last longer, giving more people time to come to their senses and come back to God.

God, thanks for reminding us that the world hates the truth... help us speak it anyway.