Saturday, December 21, 2019

who declares war on us

Today in the One Year Bible, we are reminded by John who our enemy is. He tells us in Revelation 12:1-17 that the dragon and his "angels" (aka demons) are our true enemy.

Yesterday we read about how the world will hate us when we tell the truth. But we have to remember that the world is not who we're fighting against. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood. We aren't trying to attack and destroy other people. We are fighting against the one who declared war on us: Satan and his demons.

So let's keep that in mind. We are to love all people - even those who hate us. And we are to fight against (and ultimately defeat) the true enemy: Satan himself. And John tells us that one of the main ways we defeat him, strange as it sounds, is to give up our lives as martyrs.

It's a strange war we wage. But we are assured that in the end, we will win. Stay strong, and keep praying and loving people.

God, thanks for clarifying the battle lines.