Sunday, November 24, 2019

why we should be holy

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Peter 1:13-2:10. Peter tells us that we need to avoid the sinful pleasures that we took part in back when we didn't know any better, and strive to be holy like God is.

We want to be in communion with God. To be attached to His vine, so that we can do great things - the things we long to do more than anything else in this life. When we "abide in Him, and He in us" we can do amazing things... the things that will, ultimately, bring us satisfaction. When we're apart from Him, due to those sins that make us less than holy, we can do nothing.

So if you want deep, meaningful, satisfying things to happen in your life: be holy, as He is holy. Ask His help, and He'll make you holy.

God, thanks for bringing us closer to You so we can do amazing things.

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