Saturday, November 16, 2019

those in prison

Today in the One Year Bible, Paul reminds us in Hebrews 13:1-25 to remember those in prison. Part of the reason he was probably so keen on this is because he himself was in prison for much of the time he wrote the New Testament. But Jesus also commanded us to visit those in prison.

Recently Kanye West, who has professed his conversion to Christianity within this last year, visited a prison and shared gospel music with those in the prison. Whatever else Kanye may do or may have done, he obeyed Jesus's teaching to visit those in prison.

Jesus's teaching is for you, too. We are to remember those in prison. That might mean simply praying for them. Praying is the most powerful thing you can do for them, anyway. But it IS simple. You might be called to visit prisons and reach out in love to those who are incarcerated. Or you may be called to write letters to people in jail and encourage them.

In any case, find out how you can help. Jesus didn't make it optional. He said if we ignore those in prison, we are ignoring Him. And if we reach out and love them, we're loving Him.

God, thanks for remembering those in prison. Help us love them.