Sunday, November 17, 2019

needing wisdom

Today in the One Year Bible, we read one of my favorite verses. We read from James 1:1-18. "If anyone lacks wisdom," James says (and who doesn't?), "let him ask. And our generous God will give it to you."

That's a promise you can count on. I can't tell you how many times I've used this verse. I ask God for wisdom ALL THE TIME. Not sure anyone can tell. But I do. Because I'm always finding myself NEEDING wisdom. And I've found that when I really need it, He gives me the wisdom I need to make a good decision. I'm not always smart enough to follow my own advice, I have to admit. But after praying that, I usually know the right thing to do.

So don't be shy. Do you need wisdom? ASK! And God will give it to you, flowing freely like in the picture above: the fountain of wisdom.

God, thanks for giving us wisdom when we ask.