Friday, October 18, 2019

those who are hard to pray for

Today we read from 1 Timothy 2:1-15 in the One Year Bible. Paul gives us some very practical and very difficult advice. He says to pray for everyone.

That may not sound like hard advice at first... but Paul means EVERYONE. It means pray for Trump. And Hillary. And Beto. And Cruz. It means pray for all of those leaders that you can't stand.

It also means praying for people in ISIS. People who abduct girls and sell them into sex trafficking. Child molesters who flew on the Lolita Express to Jeff Epstein's island and abused young girls. Women who gain the trust of runaway girls and then sell them into prostitution.

Horrible people.

That's part of everyone, remember? They desperately need our prayers. Not that they'll succeed in what they're doing. But that they'll repent, and come to God. That they'll be saved from the horrible evil sins that they're enslaved to. And that they'll stop doing the evil things they're doing.

Pray for everyone. Simple. And very, very hard. So hard that we can't do it on our own. Only when God overflows our hearts with His love can we have enough to share with people like that.

God, please fill our hearts so full of Your love that we have the courage to pray for everyone.