Sunday, September 15, 2019

what He called you to do

Today in the One Year Bible, we begin the book of Galatians with chapter 1 verses 1 through 24. Paul tells us that God called him before he was born to do the work that he was doing, sharing the gospel with the gentiles.

God called you, too. You know that, I think. But here's where it gets interesting. What did He call you to do today? Did you do it? In other words, can you say you did what He called you to do today? The way you talked to the guy who cut you off in traffic... is that what He called you to? The thoughts you had about your coworker when they said that thing you didn't agree with today at work... did God call you to that?

I don't ask these questions to make you feel guilty. There's enough of that without my blog... without you trying to live for Him. But it IS a good challenge. Ask yourself how much of what you did each day was what He called you to do. And then choose to do MORE of what He called you to tomorrow.

God, thanks for calling us. Help us to do what you're calling us to do more often than not.