Monday, September 16, 2019

His calling isn't easy

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Galatians 2:1-16. Paul tells us that God called him to go to the Galatians and share the gospel with them. And so he did. If you follow Paul's journeys though, you know that it's anything but smooth sailing. But how can that be? Didn't God call him to do it?

Well, that rose garden in the pic above is exactly what Paul (and you and I) was NOT promised when he followed Jesus. Yes, God called him to do the things he says in the New Testament. And the good news (pun intended) is that Paul got to friggin write the New Testament. Pretty incredible. But the bad news was he suffered alot. Like, he was beaten and thrown in prison and eventually was beheaded. Kind of makes your life seem easy by comparison, yes?

Following Jesus isn't easy. "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." Those words are true. But it doesn't mean it's easy going. That it will be fun every day. It's still taking up your cross daily and following Him.

So take heart. There's good news and bad news. And the good news is still true even when all you can see is the bad.

God, thanks for calling us. Even when it isn't easy.