Monday, August 26, 2019

when God prevents you

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from 1 Corinthians 16:1-24. Paul says that he wants to spend more time with the believers in Corinth, "if God will let me."

That might sound strange to someone who hasn't tried to follow Jesus for any length of time. But those of you who have will know what he means. God doesn't always cooperate with our plans, does He? He's certainly not a TAME lion. And it really, truly feels sometimes like the things I pray about are the ones that get... denied... more than things I just do "on my own."

Why do you suppose that it? Well, part of it, I'm sure, is a mystery that we won't understand any time soon, if ever. He works in mysterious ways, and sometimes we're just not meant to know.

But other times we can trace His hand in what He does. We see Him prevent us from doing ABC because He wants us to do XYZ instead... which, we find out, is SO MUCH better than ABC was. But it IS frustrating when you're really thinking you want ABC, isn't it?

That's why it's important to learn to live with "an open hand." Letting God put things into it, and take things away, as He sees fit. Because He knows what is best for us... AND He knows what will truly make us the most fulfilled.

But also, remember. Life is not ultimately about "being fulfilled" or happy all the time. Sometimes life is about helping other people find the kingdom, and that can be hard sometimes.

It's worth it, though. So much so that the pain we go through now will one day seem like nothing.

God, thanks for working in our lives... even when it frustrates us.