Sunday, August 4, 2019

strong for a reason

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Romans 16:10-27. Paul tells us that God is able to make us strong. And that's true!

But God doesn't make us strong just so we can be strong. His strength, in fact, is made perfect in our weakness. But there are times when we need to be strong in order to accomplish His will. Just like there are times when we need alot of money to do His will, or times when we need to be powerful or famous in order to do His will. When He gives us those gifts, it's not for us to just enjoy. Of course, we can enjoy them. But that's not the purpose, just like we enjoy eating but the purpose of eating is nutrition, and we enjoy sex but the purpose is procreation. God gives us good gifts, which we do enjoy, but that are intended for a reason.

So the next time you are made strong, or rich, or influential - seek out how you can use those things for His glory.

God, thanks for showing us that we need to stay focused on You in our blessings.

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