Wednesday, August 28, 2019

a double blessing

Today in the One Year Bible, we read something amusing from 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11. Paul is being his usual self and says he's going to DOUBLY bless the people of Corinth by visiting them twice. Sounds kind of funny, doesn't it? "I'm so great that I'm going to make your life TWICE as good by coming to see you again!"

But maybe it sounds that way because today we're used to people being falsely humble. The quote above, I think, is useful. False humility makes us think less of ourselves than we should. C.S. Lewis says that true humility causes us to stop thinking so much about ourselves altogether... and you can see how that would accomplish the second part of the quote above. If we're focused on helping and loving other people, then that true humility will help take us to the destiny that He intends for us.

God, thanks for teaching us to be genuinely humble.