Tuesday, January 1, 2019

the tender care of God

Welcome to the new year! We will once again make our way through the One Year Bible together this year. Today we begin at the best place to begin: Genesis 1:1.

A sentence from the very first couple verses jumped out at me that I'd never stopped to think about before. The Bible says that God's Spirit hovered over the surface of the waters.

Think about that mental image. The Spirit of God Himself - the almighty creator, who had created the entire cosmos: all of the planets in our solar system, all of the systems in our galaxy, all of the galaxies in the universe. The God who had made all of that... is hovering over the surface of the waters. Hovering... just above the surface. Taking great care, and delight, in making what He makes here. And that's not even when it comes to US, yet. It's just in making the other things... the things that creep on the ground and fly in the sky. He takes such intricate, tender care in making so many beautiful things... because that's who He is.

Today, in the Catholic church, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Mother of God. And that's a good thing for us to think about as we begin a new year, because Mary said YES in a very profound way, which brought God's plan into the world. Yesterday in this blog, we talked about the living water, and how God is calling us to plunge deeply into that water and spend 2019 closer to Him than ever before. We can say YES to Him, learn to cooperate with Him, and therefore bring His will into being in our lives in a profound way.

And we can trust Him to do that in the same all powerful, but tenderly intricate way that He hovered over the face of the waters. He will, when we learn to TRUST Him with everything, and cooperate with His work in our lives, create such wonders with even the hardest parts of our lives, working ALL of it together for our good... so wondrously that it will take our breath away.

God, we trust You. Please help us cooperate with You this year, so that in the amazing, tender way that You have, You can bring about Your will in our lives, as we say YES to You.