Wednesday, January 2, 2019

when He speaks in dreams

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Matthew 2:13-3:6. We read about God giving Joseph several dreams to direct him. God tells him to go to Egypt, and then He tells him when it's safe to return. It brings to mind another man named Joseph who went to Egypt and had dreams.

That is certainly one of the ways that God speaks to us. Throughout the Bible, we read about many characters having dreams in which God speaks to them. We read about other ways that God speaks, too. He speaks to us through other people. He uses the Bible to teach us. The church He has given us is another way He speaks to us. We hear from Him in the poor. He speaks to us through nature. What do all of these have in common?

The thing that ties them all together is that we have to be listening. We have to open our hearts to Him, to desire for Him to tell us what He wants for our lives. When we've opened up to Him, and given Him our yes, He will direct us through one or more of the methods above, and show us what we should do.

God, thanks for speaking to us through various means. Help us listen.