Tuesday, November 27, 2018

a rich welcome

Today we read from 2 Peter 1:1-21 in the One Year Bible. Peter tells us what we should do to make sure we don't "fall away" so that we receive a rich welcome into the Kingdom of God. And isn't that what we all want? To hear those wonderful words: "Well done, my good and faithful servant."?

So what does he tell us to do? To work hard, he says. To grow in love for one another. To grow in grace and peace. These are all gifts that He gives us, even working hard. Because who can work hard without Him giving them strength? Everything is a gift. But a gift that we have to be responsible with.

If you find yourself wondering (even worrying) about whether you're doing this "hard work" or whether Jesus will say "Well done," when you get to Him... ask for His help. He will help you. That's what He wants more than anything else in your life - for you to seek His help in becoming the saint that He created you to be.

God, thanks for preparing us for a rich welcome.