Wednesday, July 25, 2018

the size of the cup

Today we read about God's blessings in the One Year Bible, from Romans 9:1-24. Paul is telling us about how God chooses some people to bless and not others, and we shouldn't complain because why should the clay tell the potter what to do with it? And yeah, he's got a point. We are the clay, and God is the potter. But Paul could use a little of the love that John shares in his gospel and his letters in his theology.

See, there are two things that Paul isn't including in the theology he's sharing in this passage (though, to be fair, he does touch on them in other places.) One is that God, being outside of space and time, knows ahead of time who will respond to His instructions and who won't. Paul says that God called people before they'd done right or wrong, and so chose them to do things not based on their actions. But He did KNOW how they would respond to His commands. And He gives much to those whom He knows will respond in faithfulness (including Paul himself.)

The second thing is that God blesses everyone. He rains down and shines His sun on the good and the evil. We all receive His blessings. He does choose to bless some differently than others. Some might say He blesses some MORE than others, but the story that St Therese of Liseux shares with us comes to mind. When you have a tiny cup and a huge vat, both are completely full when you fill them, even though one contains much more water than the other. He fills us all up with His blessings - but some of us (those who suffer, usually) are able to hold far more than others.

God, thank You for filling up all of our cups, and for helping us to make our cups bigger if we're willing.