Saturday, June 9, 2018

when we face new challenges

Today we read from Acts 7:1-29 in the One Year Bible. St Stephen is facing a hostile group of religious leaders. And they're asking him some questions about the truth that he has shared. Instead of falling into the fear that would so easily drag him down, Stephen tells the story of where we come from, and where we're going. He remembers who he is.

That's good advice for us. We will face many challenges in our lives. Things will be hard. We might even face people who want to kill us, like Stephen did. And what should we do in those circumstances?

Remember who we are. Tell our story. Don't worry about what we'll say - the spirit of God will give us the words. But keep in mind the promises that God has given us, like Stephen did when he told about God rescuing the Hebrews from Egypt, and when He promised Abraham that he would be the father of many.

He has promised you many things, too. Keep those promises in mind. Remember your story, and who you are. And most important, remember Who has taken care of you in the past, and Who will continue to take care of you forever.

Remember Whose you are.

God, thank You for giving us a story that we can trust in. Help us to remember that story when life is hard.