Friday, June 8, 2018

the best way to get stoned

Today in the One Year Bible we read from Acts 6:1-15. We read of St Stephen, and how he became the first martyr. He was a deacon, having been ordained by the original apostles of Jesus, by the laying on of their hands.

He spoke the truth, and the leaders of his day didn't like it. They tried to accuse him on false charges, but as they were doing it, his face apparently started to shine like the sun. That was the final straw for the leaders, so they picked up stones and killed him with them. Apparently St Paul kept an eye on their coats while they did it.

That should give us courage today, because we face similar (though not identical) reactions today when we state the truth. The world doesn't like to hear the truth on some matters, and if you are vocal enough in stating that truth, you might find yourself like St Stephen.

And I don't know about you, but for me, that's just fine. I can't think of a much better way to die than by joining the host of martyrs who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their faith.

God, thank You for St Stephen's example. Please give us courage to be like him.

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