Sunday, February 4, 2024

don't drop truth bombs

Today in the One Year Bible we read from Matthew 23:13-39. Jesus is very straightforward and blunt with the religious leaders of His time. He says they lay heavy burdens on the people but don't lift a finger to help them.

Today on the internet, we find it very easy to do the same thing. To drop truth bombs on people, which might be 100% true, and then walk away and let them flounder in it. When we share the truth with people, either in person or online, we should be prepared to help and pray for the person. We should WANT them to accept the truth and be transformed. In a word, we should love them. That's the factor that Jesus was finding lacking in the religious leaders. They declared the law at people, but didn't love them or want them to be transformed by the truth.

Let's commit to loving the people with whom we share the truth. 

God, thanks for teaching us (very clearly!) to love people and not just drop truth bombs. 

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