Monday, April 25, 2022

He Provides What We Need: One Year Bible Reading for April 25

Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Judges 4:1-5:31
Luke 22:35-53
Psalm 94:1-23
Proverbs 14:3-4

Let's look at Luke. Jesus tells His disciples that when He sent them out without money or extra luggage, they ended up not needing anything. Because when God sends you to do something, He provides what you need to do it.

Does that mean we don't have to earn our living? Of course not. But we also don't need to worry. If you're seeking first His kingdom, then you have His promise: all these things (including every single thing you need) will be given to you.

Are you seeking Him first? Ask Him to show you how you can seek Him first more fully in your life.

God, thanks for calling us to do Your work - and for providing what we need to do it.