Monday, April 22, 2019

giving all you have

Today in the One Year Bible, we read from Luke 21:1-28. It's such a small story about such an insignificant event... yet it's right there in the Bible for us to ponder and learn from.

An old widow comes to the Temple and gives two coins. It happens around the world every day. Old ladies giving a tiny amount to their local church. You'd think that the God of the universe wouldn't have time to notice such a tiny thing.

But He does. He sees that even though she gave such a small amount, she in reality gave more than everyone else, because she gave all she had.

This is good news for people like you and me. We might not have much. Not much in the looks department. Not much talent. Definitely not much money (compared to rich Americans). But when we give all we have, He notices. And it pleases Him that we give all we have.

God, thanks for noticing when those of us with little give it all. Please help us to be generous.