Sunday, April 21, 2019

nonsense is still nonsense

Today the Sadducees try to trap Jesus in the One Year Bible reading from Luke 20:27-47. And, of course, they fail. They failed before they even tried, they just didn't realize it yet.

But what they did was they brought nonsense to God. They posed a strawman hypothetical situation about a woman who married seven different brothers, all of whom died right after each other. If I was the third brother in line, I'd be asking myself if she was maybe slipping something into their drinks. But anyway, that's the nonsense they brought Him. Of course, He shot through the ridiculous question and answered it easily, wowing them, the crowds gathered, and us 2000 years later in the process.

However, a quote by CS Lewis comes to mind when I read this story. Lewis said, "Nonsense remains nonsense even if you put 'God can' in front of it." And that's true in today's story, too.

What nonsense is the enemy trying to throw in your face today? What nonsense do you find your fearful brain wrestling with at 3am? What nonsense does the world keep tossing in your face as it tries unsuccessfully to deny God?

God shoots through all of it just as easily and He did when the Sadducees tried to trip Him up. And He'll teach you something in the process.

God, thanks for being bigger than the nonsense.