Friday, October 23, 2015


Today's readings: Jer 42:1-44:23, 2 Tim 2:1-21, Psalms 92:1-93:5, Prov 26:3-5

Paul says something today that applies to our lives every day. He says, "Think about what I've said. God will help you understand all these things."

As we face the puzzles of our lives, and as we read the Bible, we don't face these challenges alone. As Paul says, we are encouraged to "think about" these things. We don't turn our brains off when we come to God. We don't stop thinking when we pray.

But we also rely on God to help us. We ask Him to make sense of our lives, and to give us insight into the Bible. He can be relied on to do both of these things.

Also, a good reminder is to seek out the advice of other people. If you think God has told you to do XYZ, ask your wise friend what they think about XYZ. God does speak to us individually, but He usually confirms what He tells us through other people.

Thank You, God, for helping us every day.


Marcia Tapp said...

And what a blessing to have friends who will pray about XYZ with you.

Julie said...

Or ask yo' momma