Friday, February 6, 2015

wasted talent

today's readings: Exodus 26:1 - 27:21, Matt 25:1-30, Psalm 31:1-8, Proverbs 8:1-11

so today the story of the wicked servant who wasted the talent given to him jumped out at me.

we've all been given talents. to deny that He has given you talents is worse than false modesty... it's being ungrateful.

what talents has He given you? have you discovered them all? are you using them all?

I don't ask you these things to make you feel bad or guilty. I ask you so that you will have life, and life more abundantly. He has given you talents so that you can explore them, develop them, and enjoy them. He wants you to have an interesting, fun, and productive life. there are few things in life more satisfying than finding your gifts and growing them... learning to exercise those muscles until they're strong, and you can use them to do great things.

Lord, please reveal to me what gifts You've given me that I need to find and develop. thank You for being the great giver of gifts.


Julie said...

Excuse me but you did a great job on your post but.....That is the readings for the seventh, Saturday. You skipped one. It was about Christ's return and being ready.
Now I must exit to go find my

jefe said...

you're right. I got my days mixed up. oops.