Saturday, September 20, 2008

the secret

i just finished watching an excellent movie. in fact, i saw it so recently that the end credits are still scrolling up my tv screen.
it's called 'the secret' in english. it was originally released as 'si j'etais toi' in france, but i like the english title better. while the french is more clever, it kinda gives something away. with the english title, it was a surprise when ... the thing happens.
i really don't wanna spoil it for you. so i'll just say that david duchovny gives his standard believable and subtle performance, while olivia thirlby is amazing! as his daughter sam.
i rented it based on the consistent believable and understated performances that i've seen from duchovny over the years. whether in the x-files, in evolution, or in other movies that have faded over time, he's always seemed genuine and subtle in his deliveries, and he did so again here. but it is thirlby that steals the show.
she delivers an amazing performance here, worthy i think of an award of some kind. throughout the story she plays her role very believably, even though what she's portraying is very difficult to believe. and at the end, when she's talking to herself (you'll understand when you see it) it was very emotionally impacting.
not many movies these days have any emotional impact on me. but this one was really well done, and even moved me a few times. not that i cried, of course. (what??! there was something in my eye!) but there were several times when i found myself thinking like i was one of the characters in the movie, and ... wow. it was powerful.
so anyway - i recommend it. i never heard about it at the theater. i rented it from one of those 99 cent boxes at the grocery store. it's better than the food i got...

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