Tuesday, January 30, 2024

when God is generous... to others

Today in the One Year Bible we read from Matthew 20:1-28. Jesus tells a story where groups of people are hired at different times of day but are all paid the same. The ones who worked longer are mad that they didn't get paid more.

Then Jesus tells His disciples that He's going to be betrayed, beaten, and killed. And immediately his disciples start arguing about who will be greatest in the kingdom. 

We humans do that. Even when Jesus Himself tells us not to be jealous, even when He tells us that He is going to suffer, we still get mad thinking someone else is getting better than we are. 

Let's resist that natural urge and learn to love each other: being genuinely happy about others' success. And not dragging others down to make ourselves seem better.

God, thanks for teaching us that You're generous to others, too. And we should rejoice with them. 

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