Today in the One Year Bible we read from Matthew 20:29-21:22. Jesus is not happy with the people selling doves and exchanging money in the Temple. He knocks over their tables and chairs and drives them out with a whip! Quite a scene, right? And He makes some powerful enemies doing this which later factors into His conviction and crucifixion.
Why was He so mad? Weren't they just providing a service for people who came to make their sacrifice at the Temple? Well, what He says gives us a clue. "You've turned the Temple into a den of thieves!" They weren't just providing a service, they were getting rich by stealing from those coming to worship in the Temple.
Which brings us to today. What are we doing with OUR money? Even though we might be making our money honestly (and you probably are), if we're just hoarding it and "building bigger barns", we're being thieves too. We're stealing from the poor who we should be helping. And according to Jesus, that means we're stealing from Jesus Himself. If you'd like some ideas about how you can help the poor, check out this website.
God, thank You for teaching us how we can stop robbing the poor. Help us be generous.
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