John the Baptist wasn't messing around. He told the religious leaders to stop coming to get baptized if they weren't going to repent of their sins and bear good fruit in their lives. Today our reading is from Matthew 3:7-4:11.
John's words cut deep into me. As I look back over my life so far, I see alot of sin and not very much good fruit. I see myself coming to God for blessings without really repenting of the sins that pull me down. I hear John speaking directly to me, and I pray for the courage to do what he's calling us to do: truly repent (turn away from) our sins and start living lives that bear good fruit. He makes it very clear that our eternal destination depends on our doing this.
Let's choose wisely, today and every day.
God, thank You for teaching us to turn away from our sins and live lives that bear good, rich fruit for You.
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