Friday, January 5, 2024

nothing is impossible

Today in the One Year Bible we read from Matthew 5:1-26. Jesus is telling us that the goal of the kingdom of God is very, VERY difficult to reach. Pretty much impossible, in fact. He tells us that we must be holier than the holy people of His day. He calls us to be perfect, actually. (Matthew 5:48)

And who can possibly do that? Not me, I'm telling you right now. I'm a very sinful person. So who can go to heaven? 

Well, the good news is that with the high demand comes a ton of grace and mercy. He gets us started by giving us a new life in Him. And then every step of the impossible way, He strengthens us and teaches us and forgives us so we can do the impossible. So we can become the perfect saints that we'll be in heaven one day. 

Because sinful as we may be (and I give Paul a run for his money in being the chief of sinners), nothing is impossible with God.

God, thank You for giving us high expectations and help to achieve them. 

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