Thursday, March 16, 2023

the manger wasn't an accident

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Numbers 24:1-25:18
Luke 2:1-35
Psalm 59:1-17
Proverbs 11:14 

Let's look at Luke. We read the nativity story, and Jesus is placed in a manger because there's no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn. This probably seemed terrible to Mary and Joseph at the time. They're about to have the baby that God specifically gave to Mary supernaturally - and they can't even put the poor baby in a real bed. 

But it wasn't an accident. The angels who appeared to the shepherds told them to go look for the baby who was in a manger. And the meaning of the manger is so profound. First, of course, was the humility of Jesus, who was God Himself, becoming a baby and not only being a helpless little infant, but not even being taken care of in fine surroundings and wealth, but being placed in a food trough.

It gets even better, though. Jesus was placed in a manger - which is where you put food. And at the end of Jesus's mortal life, He told us to take His body and eat it. Putting Jesus in the manger was foreshadowing the day when He would offer His body to us as real food and real drink to bring us eternal life.

Sometimes things seem accidental in your life. And you might feel like you're dropping the ball and that God is disappointed in you for not taking care of His message and His love in the way that you meant to. But God will use your manger and your swaddling clothes, too. He'll use what appears to be an accident to accomplish amazing things. Trust Him.

God, thanks for using our accidents for our good and the good of the whole world.

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