Sunday, March 5, 2023

no marriage in heaven

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Numbers 4:1-5:31
Mark 12:18-37
Psalm 48:1-14
Proverbs 10:26 

Let's look at Mark. Jesus tells the Sadducees that their attempted trap shows their ignorance because there will be no "marrying or giving in marriage" in heaven. And this bothers some people because they feel like their relationship with the person they're married to NOW in this life will be less in heaven.

But here's the thing. Your relationship with your current spouse on earth will be 1000s of times better in heaven than it is now. You will have an eternity to know them better, with perfect self-knowledge and complete lack of fear in sharing who you really are. But here's where it gets better. Your relationship with everyone will be 1000 times better than your relationship with your spouse is right now. It's not that your relationship with your spouse will diminish. It will grow stronger. And so will your relationship with every other person in heaven.

That's an awesome thing to look forward to.

God, thanks for showing us that heaven is going to be great beyond our ability to imagine.

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