Saturday, March 4, 2023

don't try to trick Jesus

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Numbers 2:1-3:51
Mark 11:27-12:17
Psalm 47:1-9
Proverbs 10:24-25 

Let's look at Mark. Some very wise people (at least in their own estimation) try to trick Jesus. First they ask on what authority He is teaching. If He tells them, they'll accuse Him of blasphemy and try to kill Him. So He outsmarts them. Then they try to trap Him by asking if they should be paying taxes. He again outsmarts them.

This is a great lesson for us to learn. When we pray, we should remember that Jesus is much MUCH smarter than we are. So we shouldn't try to pressure Him or trick Him or bargain with Him. We should just humbly ASK for what we need. He loves us and will listen and will answer. 

That doesn't mean we'll always get what we want. We may pray for our grandmother to get well, but it might be time for her to go home instead. Remember, Jesus is smarter than we are and He knows what's best. When we ask for things, we need to trust that His answer will be the best answer to the situation, even if it's not what we asked for.

God, thanks for reminding us to trust You and not try to outsmart You.

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