Saturday, January 21, 2023

think for yourself

 Today Seneca says, "This is the cause of those great heaps into which men rush (think of a stampede at a sporting event or concert) till they are piled one upon another. In a great crush of people, when the crowd presses upon itself, no one can fall without drawing someone else down upon him."

I see this play out when I'm driving Uber every day. VERY OFTEN, people will line up in a really long, sometimes MILES LONG, line of cars, all mindlessly following the car in front of them. And very often, probably three or four times a week, I bypass the entire line of cars and find that the lane NEXT to the line is also turning. Or that there is a second entrance that NO ONE is using because they're all lined up to go in the first entrance. Or that I can make a U turn and come in from the other direction, missing hours of waiting in traffic. 

I use these examples to reenforce Seneca's advice to you: don't follow the herd. Think for yourself. Find out WHY everyone is doing XYZ and see if WKRP works better for you. But above all: THINK.

See you tomorrow!

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