Sunday, January 22, 2023

Seneca Talks About Pleasure

 Today Seneca talks about pleasure. He says, "The mind will have pleasures of its own. Let it have them, then, and let it sit in judgment over luxury and pleasures; let it indulge itself to the full in all those matters which give sensual delights: then let it look back upon what it enjoyed before, and with all those faded sensualities fresh in its memory let it rejoice and look eagerly forward to those other pleasures which it experienced long ago... the happy man, therefore, is he who can make a right judgment in all things."

So his advice is to experience all of the lavish luxuries and pleasures the world has to offer in full. And then to look back on them and use your good judgment to decide if they were good for you or not. This sounds a lot like the wisdom we read in Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon. He says he too experienced all of the pleasures life has to offer and called it all vanity - chasing after the wind.

What do you think? Is allowing ourselves to dive deeply into all of the worldly pleasures a good idea? What are the dangers of doing that?

See you tomorrow!

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