Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Seneca talks about nature

 Today Seneca talks about nature, but it might not be what you're thinking. He says, "Meanwhile, I follow nature, which is a point upon which every one of the Stoic philosophers are agreed: true wisdom consists in not departing from nature and in molding our conduct according to her laws and model. A happy life, therefore, is one which is in accordance with its own nature, and cannot be brought about unless in the first place the mind be sound and remain so without interruption"

Seneca is referring to something that many of us call the Natural Law. That things have a purpose and intention, and using those things for that purpose and those intentions is "natural" and will produce the happiness which we are seeking. Using things contrary to their "nature" will not bring happiness. In philosophical terms, this is called teleology, or the end and purpose of a thing. That's why, to Seneca, it's very important for us to learn the teleological purpose of everything and everyone - so that we can act in accordance with the nature of things and bring about happiness for everyone.

See you tomorrow! 

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