Thursday, January 12, 2023

Seneca Gives us Stoicism in a Nutshell

 Today in our readings from Seneca's writings, he gives us Stoicism in a nutshell. He says, "You understand without my mentioning it that an unbroken calm and freedom ensue, when we have driven away all those things which either excite us or alarm us."

That is Stoicism. That we find great happiness in the unbroken calm and freedom we attain by driving away all our excitements and alarms. To learn to lay aside both lust and fear. Most people see Stoicism as just calmly accepting whatever happens in life, no matter how good or bad. And that is related to the thought. But the essence is captured here: learn to detach yourself from great desires and great fears, and attain the calm and freedom that is found in that detachment.

Is this good advice? What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

See you tomorrow!

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