Thursday, November 3, 2022

God is Talking to You: One Year Bible Reading for November 3


Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Ezekiel 7:1-9:11
Hebrews 5:1-14
Psalm 105:1-15
Proverbs 26:28

Let's look at Ezekiel. The very first phrase jumped off the page at me. "The word of the Lord came to me."

God is speaking to all of us, every day. He's listening to YOU, as well. Like I've mentioned in other blogs, everything you say and do throughout your day can be a prayer. Just lift it up to Him. And conversely, He's speaking to you every day, as well. The first and easiest way to hear Him speak is by reading the Bible. And once you've spent some time reading it, over and over, you'll start to recognize His voice.

Throughout your day, you'll see things or hear things that remind you of Him. He'll get your attention in little ways, and remind you to love the people in your life. Here's an example. I used to be a manager at a bookstore. And there was one employee who I wasn't super impressed with. We'll call him Darren. He had kind of a bad attitude. And he never seemed to really want to help customers. He always seemed to try to get away with as little work as he could. As a manager, it was my job to make sure he did his job. And I found myself kind of zeroing in on him, finding fault with every little thing he did. One day I started to say something to him, and I felt God "check" me. The words, "Go easy on my child, Darren". And I sensed the deep love that God had for this guy who wasn't doing a very good job but still needed love and kindness. 

So from that day on, I was a little nicer to Darren. He left my store shortly after that and started a new job. I hope he's doing well. But I wasn't as hard on him after God said to take it easy on him. And it makes me happy to think that God cares about us like that. 

What's He saying to you today?

God, thanks for speaking to us every day. Help us listen.

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