Sunday, October 9, 2022

sloth - one of the sins we've forgotten about: One Year Bible Reading for October 9

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Jeremiah 12:1-14:10
1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8
Psalm 79:1-13
Proverbs 24:30-34 

Let's look at the proverb. It says: 

I went past the field of a sluggard, 

past the vineyard of someone who has no sense;

31 thorns had come up everywhere,
    the ground was covered with weeds,
    and the stone wall was in ruins.
32 I applied my heart to what I observed
    and learned a lesson from what I saw:
33 A little sleep, a little slumber,
    a little folding of the hands to rest—
34 and poverty will come on you like a thief
    and scarcity like an armed man.

Sorry for the weird formatting. Sometimes the Blogger word processor fights us almost as hard as Word. Anyway, this reminds us that the deadly sin of "sloth" (pictured in the cute pic above) is very bad for us. And that brings up all of the deadly sins. Here in America, we sometimes forget that the deadly sins are still very deadly. We forget that gluttony is a sin, and a huge percentage of the population is now morbidly obese. We forget that greed is a sin, and our healthcare system is now killing people while unscrupulous doctors get ridiculously wealthy. We forget that sloth is a deadly sin, and people get depressed because they spend too much time lying around watching TV. We forget that lust is a deadly sin, and pornography is a multibillion dollar industry while our children are becoming addicted to it, ruining their lives and marriages.

We need to remember the deadly sins - and learn to avoid them!

God, thanks for reminding us that deadly sins are still deadly.

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