Friday, October 14, 2022

health and wealth gospel: One Year Bible Reading for October 14

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Jeremiah 23:21-25:38
2 Thessalonians 2:1-17
Psalm 84:1-12
Proverbs 25:15 

Let's look at Jeremiah. Jeremiah tells us that God didn't send the prophets who are claiming to be from Him. That was a problem in his day.

And it's a problem today, too, right? There are many preachers, especially on TV, today who claim to be proclaiming God's message, but they're really selling lies. I'm not going to call anyone out by name. I honestly think that many (maybe most) of these preachers are genuinely trying to do something good for God. But they have bought into a message that is definitely NOT from Jesus or the gospel. 

The message that many of them preach is that God wants YOU to be wealthy and healthy. Anything that keeps you from having lots of money and being in perfect health is from the evil one. You should "name and claim" the wealth and prosperity and physical health that God has waiting for you.

That's nonsense.

If anything, Jesus taught that being poor was blessed. If you look at the lives of saints throughout time, many of them took vows of poverty. Many of them were physically ill for much of their lives. God isn't calling us to health and wealth. He's calling us to love people. Is it evil to be wealthy? No. Is it bad to be healthy? Of course not. But sometimes we WILL be poor and sick in this life. And God can and will work through us in a powerful way whether we have nice things and are perfectly well, or if we're just barely making it, both in possessions and in our wellbeing. 

The focus is Jesus. The focus is loving people. Be careful about listening to anyone who says that you must be healthy and wealthy or you're not where God wants you.

God, thanks for reminding us that false teachers are still around today.

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