Friday, September 16, 2022

prophecy: One Year Bible Reading for September 16

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Isaiah 22:1-24:23
Galatians 2:17-3:9
Psalm 60:1-12
Proverbs 23:15-16

Let's look at Isaiah. The writer is telling us a prophecy that would take place in the following years. And much of what he said gave the readers the IDEAS of what would happen without necessarily spelling out specifics. It didn't say that this particular world leader would come attack them or that they would be taken into captivity for an exact amount of time. It gave them the gist. It was a warning.

And we know from reading the book of Jonah that the warnings given to us by God don't always happen the way we are warned. God warns several people in the Bible, including Jonah and one of the kings of Judah, that in a certain amount of time they would be destroyed. But they repented and God had mercy on them.

Let's learn the valuable lesson from those two paragraphs. God gives us prophecy for today in the book of Revelation. Some of what was prophesied happened already. Some of it won't happen until the end of time. And we shouldn't get too worked up about WHO it's talking about. Our marching orders are clear - know that God wins in the end. Keep hope alive. Love everyone, our friends and enemies alike. And put our faith squarely and securely into His hands. And let's not be too swift to hand out judgment to those who aren't following Jesus. There's still time. Pray for them.

He already won. Trust Him.

God, thanks for teaching us the gist of prophecy.

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