Friday, September 2, 2022


 We read from these verses in the One Year Bible today:

Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12
2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7
Psalm 47:1-9
Proverbs 22:16 

Let's look at Ecclesiastes. Solomon tells us that most of life is vanity - chasing after the wind. And that's a good lesson to learn. That money, success, fame, popularity, owning tons of nice things - these things really will not make you happy. Solomon had them all - and he said they were meaningless. This is the lesson that humans refuse to learn. No matter how many times you tell them that money won't buy happiness, they keep trying to buy it.

But what we're going to focus on tonight is when Solomon tells us that "many words mark the speech of a fool." This means many things. One is that when someone is foolish and especially when they're lying, they just keep gushing words. They try to convince the hearer by pouring more and more words out. The lady doth protest too much.

But it also means hyperverbagurgitation. This is a word that my friends and I made up in college, and it means when you explain something and the listener understands immediately, but you keep on explaining, piling on one example after another, simply because you enjoy hearing yourself talk. And this, too, is foolish. (But fun.)

Lastly, let's remember that fools talk too much, and wise people listen much and speak when necessary. 

God, thanks for teaching us to shut up.

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