Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Is God a Republican?: One Year Bible Reading for August 31

 Today we read from these verses in the One Year Bible:

Job 37:1-39:30
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10
Psalm 44:9-26
Proverbs 22:13

Let's look at the Psalm. We are reminded of something VERY IMPORTANT in this verse. The psalmist says, "You no longer go out with our armies." Meaning that God was not favoring them over their enemies in battle. That's a problem when you think God's on your side and then you start losing.

Today, many people think that God is on America's side. Some of those same people think that God is on the Republican side. Those people are making the same mistake as the psalmist - thinking that God is on our side. It makes the same kind of sense (though in a smaller way) as when people pray that God will help their football team beat the team from the other school. Do you think God is on the side of one school over the other? God doesn't join our sides.

The actual question we should be asking is - are we on God's side? There is a battle waging between the forces of light and darkness in the world right now. If you haven't heard, Disney has just released a new show about a teenage girl whose father is Satan and whose mother is a pagan witch (I'm not making this up. These are the words they're using to PROMOTE the show!) The girl is being called the antichrist ON THE SHOW. And Disney produced this and is marketing it. Here's a link to check it out:

The battle is real, Are you on His side? Some Americans are, and some aren't. Some Republicans are, some aren't. Whose side are YOU on?

God, thanks for teaching us to be on YOUR side, not expect You to be on ours.

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