Thursday, January 6, 2022

Lust is very Bad for You: Daily Bible Reading for January 6


Today we read from the following passages in the One Year Bible:

Genesis 13:5-15:21
Matthew 5:27-48
Psalm 6:1-10
Proverbs 1:29-33

Jesus makes it very clear that just LOOKING at someone we're not married to lustfully is sinful (whether we can sin by looking at our spouse is another question for another time). But Jesus makes it clear that this is sin and we need to avoid it.

That's not easy today. The internet makes it so incredibly easy for anyone, anywhere to have instant access to lust at any moment. The graphic above shows how addiction to porn is just like addiction to drugs, and how habit forming and hard to break it is. If you or someone you know is struggling with this, there is help. Try this website for ideas on how to break addictions to porn. 

But we need to take this seriously. Priests who hear confessions, and pastors of churches around the world, will tell you that addiction to pornography is one of the worst plights facing our young people today. Pray that we will learn to put an end to pornography, which exploits people and creates demand for sex trafficking. 

God, thanks for making it so clear that lust is bad for us and that we need to learn purity in our sexual lives.

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